Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 17

Well, one thing's for sure...when I don't eat enough or regularly, my memory suffers! I honestly don't remember what I ate on Sunday, which was Day 17. I remember eating a So Delicious (which is my new favorite line for yogurt, coffee creme and ice cream!) yogurt at dinner time because I was not all that hungry, but I have no clue what I did for lunch! I think I had some cereal for breakfast at least...

It was actually a lazy day for me. It was my dogs' 5th birthday, I was done with all my homework and I felt like veggin' on the couch watching TV and movies. Finally, a day I was not focused on the computer...it was nice! And, of course, the Golden Globes were on, so I had to watch them! :)

Happy 5th Birthday to Parker and Payton, my "kids"!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, cute doggies! They're SO adorable. (But I know you know that already!) :) Juju
